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Vulnerability Details

Learn all about the information presented in the Unique Vulnarability Details pane

Updated over a month ago

About the Vulnerability Details pane

The Vulnerability Details pane presents all the information about a vulnerability. It contains information ingested from scanners, other connectors, and proprietary information that Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS has enriched your vulnerabilities with, such as Attack vectors and threat intelligence. The Vulnerability Details pane is where you can make an informed decision about the right course of action for the vulnerability and take action and remediate it.

Accessing the Unique Vulnerability Details pane

  1. Go to the Vulnerability page > Unique Vulnerabilities tab.

  2. Click on the desired vulnerability or use the magic search to filter Vulnerabilities and narrow the search results.

    For example:

  3. To open the Detail pane, click on a Vulnerability from the results list.

Vulnerability Details Cards

Risk card

The risk card shows the most important information about a vulnerability so you can understand it and start making an informed, data-driven decision about remediation. The Risk card presents valuable key details, including:

  • Vulnerability criticality

  • Max Risk

  • Threats & Vulnerability Tags

  • Asset impact

  • Exploit Maturity

  • Insights

Remediation card

The Remediation card shows important information about the remediation campaigns the vulnerability is part of and allows you to add notes to assist with the remediation process. The Remediation card presents the following information:

  • Running Campaigns

  • Notes

Vulnerability Details Tabs

Vulnerability tab

The Vulnerability tab displays all the available information about the vulnerability, including:

  • Score

  • Attack Vector

  • Tags

  • Affected Vendor

  • Affected packages

  • Description From NVD

  • CVEs

  • CPEs

  • Other relevant information as ingested from the source scanner

Fixes tab

The Fixes tab displays all the available fixes from the Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS remediation database relevant to the vulnerability. There are three types of fixes in Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS:

  1. Advisories – official vendor security advisories and product updates.

  2. Instructions include workarounds, mitigations, blog posts, and other insights Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS analysts uncover and research.

  3. Links – references and mentions of the vulnerability from around the web.

Assets tab

Search and filter assets by status

The Assets tab displays all the assets affected by this vulnerability.
It shows the breakdown of the statuses of these assets. There are six possible statuses:

  • Vulnerable

  • In Progress

  • Fixed

  • Risk Acknowledged

  • False Positive

The Search and Filter boxes are available in the assets tab of the vulnerability details card to help you easily filter and focus on vulnerable assets by status.

Search and filter assets

Contextual Assets list

The Assets list presented in the Assets sub-tab is contextually filtered. Therefore, it reflects the filters applied on the Vulnerabilities page. The assets listed in the Assets sub-tab of the Vulnerability details are only those that match the filter criteria applied on the Vulnerabilities page. If you want to see all the assets a vulnerability affects, you can remove the filters on the Vulnerabilities page and reopen the Vulnerability Details pane of the desired vulnerability.
Note: Not all filters affect the Assets list. A CVSS filter, for example, will match all the vulnerable assets.

Threat Intelligence tab

The Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS platform enriches the Vulnerabilities with external threat tags retrieved from different Threat Intelligence sources. The Threat Intelligence tab shows a list of published exploits, related CVEs, and links to the exploit source collected from Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS TI engines and other integrated TI connectors, such as Mandiant and Recorded Future.

Activity tab

Audit & track vulnerability remediation activity

The Activity Feed tab displays a detailed audit log of all the events related to this vulnerability and their timestamp.

Audit and track remediation activity for unique vulnerabilities, findings (instances), and assets in a single view. The activity log helps you:

  • Conduct internal tracking and external audits of remediation activity for vulnerabilities and assets.

  • Collaborate and communicate with asset owners in IT and DevOps on remediation activity and progress.

  • Filter remediation activities by type and date.

  • Add free-text comments.

  • Export Vulnerability Audit Activity to a file.

A clear indication of fixed vs. vulnerable findings (instances)

A clear indication of fixed vs. vulnerable findings (instances) is available per each unique vulnerability. You can easily switch between the "fixed" and "vulnerable" views with a click to gain a comprehensive view of the state of the vulnerability in your environment.

Fixed vs Vulnerable

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