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Threat Intelligence Report

Learn all about the trends and insights in the Threat Intelligence Analytics

Updated over a week ago

About Threat Intelligence Analytics

This analytics page compares your CVEs’ risk score and the CVSS3 analyzes which CVEs have the most vulnerabilities and checks the status of your business groups.

Before you dive in

First, make sure you cover the Analytics Filters and Data Drilling to learn about the expected behavior of the trends and presented data.

Risk Heatmap - CVSS vs. Vulcan Risk

This heat map presents the originally retrieved CVSS score from the connectors compared to the Vulcan risk calculation re-calculated by Vulcan engines. In other words, this is one of the major ways the Vulcan Platform helps you reduce the noise caused by the overwhelming CVSS original scores by re-calculating the risk score by considering your own customized organizational risk priority and defined risk weights, Tags, Threat Intelligence, and CVSS score.

In the example below, the originally retrieved CVSS score of 9-10 for the collected 705,964 vulnerability instances has been re-calculated by the Vulcan Platform as follows:

  • 7,301 out of 705,964 vulnerability instances received a Critical risk score

  • 499,884 out of 705,964 vulnerability instances received a High risk score

  • 198,773 out of 705,964 vulnerability instances received a Medium risk score

  • 4 out of 705,964 vulnerability instances received a None-Low risk score

    Click on any data point in the heat map to open a filtered view presenting only the selected vulnerabilities.

Top 20 CVEs by # of Vulnerability Instances

Here you can see the CVEs with the most vulnerability instances. Click on any data point to open a filtered view presenting only the selected vulnerabilities.

Risk Mass by Operating System, Threat Intelligence, and OWASP Top 10

Risk mass is the sum of all the calculated atomic risks of all vulnerability instances at a given time.

Navigate between the tabs to view the Risk Mass per Operation System, Threat Intelligence sources, and OWASP Top 10.

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