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Creating Customized Reports

Learn how to create customized analytics reports using Vulcan's Self-Service Analytics

Updated over a week ago


Learn how to create customized analytics reports using Vulcan's Self-Service Analytics feature. By leveraging this functionality, you can build personalized dashboards and reports based on preferred widgets, catering to specific audiences and purposes. Whether selecting from existing reports, utilizing widgets from the Widgets Bank, or creating custom widgets, Vulcan offers flexibility and customization to enhance the analytics experience.

Creating and Sharing Customized Analytics Report

To create self-service analytics:

  1. Open Vulcan Platform and navigate to the Analytics section.

  2. Click on "Add a Report" to initiate the creation of a new custom report.

  3. Provide an indicative name for the report, such as "Executives," to clearly represent its purpose.

  4. Choose the relevant reports from the existing list, select widgets from the Widgets Bank, or create your own widgets (Customize a widget).

  5. Utilize the filters on the right-hand side to refine and narrow down the data.

  6. Click "Save".

  7. Once you save a report, you'll have the option to select its visibility.

    Set Visibility:

    • Private: Default setting, the report is visible only to you.

    • Shared: Makes the report available to users with access to specified business groups.

      • Note: If the "Shared" option is grayed out, you lack permission to share reports. To share reports, ensure you have the "Sharing: Share customized reports with other users who have access permission to the business groups in the report" permission enabled under Analytics.

    Manage Access Based on Business Group: If a report contains data from multiple business groups, users will only see data relevant to the groups they have access to.
    Note: Once a report is shared, it cannot be changed back to "Private".

Using the Widgets Bank

Vulcan has curated Stand-alone widgets based on customer requests. Access the Widgets Bank, which provides a selection of these widgets to add to your custom reports.

  1. Click the drop-down list and browse through the available stand-alone widgets.

  2. Select the desired widgets to review and incorporate into your custom report.

Customize a Widget

Utilize Vulcan's widget builder to quickly create and personalize visuals.

Editing and reordering widgets

The widget can be reordered, edited or deleted using the "Edit and Reorder" button.

Submitting a widget request

If the desired widget is not available, you can submit a "Request new widget."
Fill in the form with the necessary details and submit it to Vulcan.

Analytics FAQ and Data Validation

Read our Analytics FAQ and Data Validation article here.

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