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Vulcan ConnectX (Vulcan Report) Connector
Vulcan ConnectX (Vulcan Report) Connector

Learn all about the Vulcan ConnectX connector

Updated over 8 months ago

About Vulcan Report Connector

The Vulcan ConnectX/Report Connector enables you to upload CSV, ZIP, XLS, and xlsx files from SAST/DAST and Vulnerability assessment tools that might not be supported yet by the existing Vulcan Connectors. On top of that, you can use the Vulcan Report Connector to upload Penetration Test files for asset data type Host or Website, depending on PT application type or infrastructure. Once you upload your data file and select the appropriate data type, the relevant mapping table appears on the connector screen. Then, you need to map the Headers in your file to the right Header/Field in the Vulcan Platform.

Connector Details

Supported file formats: CSV, ZIP, XLSX, and XLSX
Max file size: 200 Mb
File structure: The first row must contain headers.

Mandatory fields: Each Data Type file has its own mandatory fields marked with *.

File data types and examples

There are 5 types of CSV files you can upload; each represents a different Vulcan data type. Click on data type to download an example file.

Configuring the Vulcan Report (ConnectX) connector

  1. Go to Connectors > Add a Connector

  2. Click the Vulcan Report /ConnectX icon

  3. Give your Vulcan Connector an indicative name. This way, you can identify what this report represents.

    For example:

  4. Browse or drag and drop the file you wish to upload.

  5. The Vulcan platform supports different asset types, each Data Type has unique attributes and mapping fields.

    Select the Data Type you are uploading:

    • Code Project SAST

    • Cope Project SCA

    • Host Asset Inventories

    • Host Vulnerability Assessment

    • Images

    • Website DAST

    • Cloud Resources

  6. Once you select the Data Type, a dedicated Map Fields configuration is opened. Map out the headers fields in your file (left column) to the respective Vulcan fields (right column). You can also add custom values.

    For example:


    • All the Vulcan fields can be mapped to only one header, except 'Asset - Details' and 'Vulnerability - Details' (more details about those special Vulcan fields under the 'Supporting Custom Fields' section).

    • The Vulcan fields "Assets - Name" and "Vulnerabilities - Name" are mandatory.

    • Make sure the Severity field is numeric ("Critical" = 100, "High" = 90, "Medium" = 50, "Low" = 30).

    • When mapping a risk score to the Vulcan field "Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity", the mapped risk score represents the score of a Unique Vulnerability in the Vulcan Platform. The risk score of a vulnerability instance is calculated after the file is loaded. The score of a vulnerability instance is determined by all the risk-affecting factors configured in the Vulcan Platform, such as Asset tags and impact. Read here about vulnerability instance risk calculation and how it works.

    • Date fields must be in the date format: DD/MM/YYYY. For example, 20/03/2023.

    • Support Limitations:

      • Currently, the Vulcan Report doesn't map data form the connector's vendor into the "i" on the Vulcan Platform UI.

      • XLSX files cannot be downloaded through the Vulcan Report File Management.

  7. Click Create

    That's it! your records are now in the Vulcan Platform.

Downloading uploaded files

To download files you uploaded to the Vulcan Platform through the Vulcan Report connector:

  1. Go to the Vulcan Report connector setup page

  2. Click on File Management

  3. Hover over the relevant file and click Download.

    Support Limitation: Files type XLSX cannot be downloaded.

Fields mapping and value type

Mapping Code Project - SAST

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Vulcan Field

Value type

More info

Assets - Projects *


The primary name of the web application

Assets - Last Report

date format

The last time the asset was scanned

Assets - Tags

string - only one tag at the time

This field lets you ingest existing tags from the vendor's platform and map those tags into Vulcan Asset Tags and Business Groups. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want. Each tag requires its independent column, and each column can be mapped to tags as well as to other categories.

Read here about the importance of Business Groups and Tags.

Assets - Details


The relevant data you want to view in the asset itself. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want.

Component - File name*


The scanned file under the asset

Component - Line number*


The line number on which the vulnerability was reported

Vulnerabilities - ID


Unique Vulnerability identifier

Vulnerabilities - Name*


The name of the vulnerability as reported from the CSV

Vulnerabilities - CVE

string separated with comma in CVE format. Example: CVE-2020-3178,CVE-2020-3174

If CVE is available, it allows the Vulcan Platform to map and point to solutions and threat intelligence.

Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity


Numeric risk score as given from the CSV. This is typically the CVSS v3, but other severity fields can be mapped here instead. Using this value, Vulcan can provide the risk calculation basis for the Vulcan risk score. Note that the value range must be between 0 and 10.

Vulnerabilities - Description


The description of the vulnerability as given in the CSV

Vulnerabilities - Discovery Time

date format

The date on which the vulnerability was first found. If this value is not mapped, the default value will be set to the time Vulcan first ingested the vulnerability into the platform.

Vulnerabilities - Details


It is highly recommended to map the "Recommended Solution" header to the Vulnerabilities - Details field. Without a CVE, there will be no correlation to Vulcan Remediation Library. Therefore, it is critical to map the tool's recommended solution in case of no CVE.

Any vulnerability details that do not fit into other categories/headers should be mapped to the Vulnerabilities - Details header.

Vulnerabilities - CWE

string separates with comma (Example:

If CWE is available, it allows the Vulcan Platform to map to OWASP Top 10 categories for prioritization. This is an important field for DAST results.

Vulnerabilities - Unique instance ID


Vulnerability identifier for an asset-vulnerability connection.

Solutions - Description


Solution fields aren't mandatory. If you wish to add solution info into the solution fields, then you should at least provide Solutions - Description.

Solutions - Reference


Solutions - Reference Link


Solutions - OS


Solutions - OS Version


Mapping Code Project - SCA

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Vulcan Field

Field value type

Assets - Projects *


Assets - Last Report

date format

Assets - Tags

string - only one tag at the time

Assets - Details


Libraries - Name


Librairie - Version


Vulnerabilities - ID


Vulnerabilities - Name*


Vulnerabilities - CVE

string separated with comma in CVE format. Example: CVE-2020-3178,CVE-2020-3174

Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity


Vulnerabilities - Description


Vulnerabilities - Discovery Time

date format

Vulnerabilities - Details


Vulnerabilities - CWE

string separate with comma (Example: CWE-12345)

Vulnerabilities - Unique instance ID


Solutions - Description


Solutions - Reference


Solutions - Reference Link


Solutions - OS


Solutions - OS Version


Mapping Hosts (Asset Inventory)

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Vulcan Field

Field value type

Assets - Name*


Assets - Last Seen

date format

Assets - Tags


Assets - Details


Assets IP

string in IP format

Assets - OS


Assets FQDN


Mapping Hosts (Vulnerability Assessment)

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Vulcan Field

Value type

More Info

Assets - Name*


Primary machine name of asset (typically a hostname, but can be FQDN or NetBIOS depending on the source of the asset).

Assets - Last Seen

date format

The last time the asset was scanned

Assets - Tags


This field lets you ingest existing tags from the vendor's platform and map those tags into Vulcan Asset Tags and Business Groups. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want. Each tag requires its independent column, and each column can be mapped to tags as well as to other categories.

Read here about the importance of Business Groups and Tags.

Assets - Details


The relevant data you want to view in the asset itself. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want.

Assets IP

string in IP format

The IP address of the Asset.

Assets - OS


The asset's operating system. For example, if the asset is Windows Server 2016, the cell should say "Windows Server 2016."

Assets FQDN


Vulnerabilities - Name*


The name of the vulnerability as reported from the CSV

Vulnerabilities - CVE

string separated with comma in CVE format. Example: CVE-2020-3178,CVE-2020-3174

If CVE is available, it allows the Vulcan Platform to map and point to solutions and threat intelligence.

Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity


Numeric risk score as given from the CSV. This is typically the CVSS v3, but other severity fields can be mapped here instead. Using this value, Vulcan can provide the risk calculation basis for the Vulcan risk score. Note that the value range must be between 0 and 10.

Vulnerabilities - Description


The description of the vulnerability as given in the CSV

Vulnerabilities - Discovery Time

date format

The date on which the vulnerability was first found. If this value is not mapped, the default value will be set to the time Vulcan first ingested the vulnerability into the platform.

Vulnerabilities - Details


It is highly recommended to map the "Recommended Solution" header to the Vulnerabilities - Details field. Without a CVE, there will be no correlation to Vulcan Remediation Library. Therefore, it is critical to map the tool's recommended solution in case of no CVE.

Any vulnerability details that do not fit into other categories/headers should be mapped to the Vulnerabilities - Details header.

Vulnerabilities - CWE

string separate with comma (example: CWE-12345)

If CWE is available, it allows the Vulcan Platform to map to OWASP Top 10 categories for prioritization. This is an important field for DAST results.

Vulnerabilities - Unique instance ID


Vulnerability identifier for an asset-vulnerability connection.

Solutions - Description


Solution fields aren't mandatory. If you wish to add solution info into the solution fields, then you should at least provide Solutions - Description.

Solutions - Reference


Solutions - Reference Link


Solutions - OS


Solutions - OS Version


Mapping Images

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Vulcan Field

Field value type

More Info

Assets - ID*


Unique Asset identifier

Assets - Last Scan

date format

The last time the asset was scanned

Assets - Name*


Primary machine name of asset (typically a hostname, but can be FQDN or NetBIOS depending on the source of the asset).

Assets - Tags


This field lets you ingest existing tags from the vendor's platform and map those tags into Vulcan Asset Tags and Business Groups. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want. Each tag requires its independent column, and each column can be mapped to tags as well as to other categories.

Read here about the importance of Business Groups and Tags.

Assets - Details


The relevant data you want to view in the asset itself. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want.

Assets - sha256


a string represent image hash format

Components - Name


Components - Type


Components - ID


Vulnerabilities - ID


Vulnerabilities - Name*


Vulnerabilities - CVE

string separated with comma in CVE format. Example: CVE-2020-3178,CVE-2020-3174

Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity


Value range must be between 0 and 10

Vulnerabilities - Description


Vulnerabilities - Discovery Time

date format

Vulnerabilities - Details


Vulnerabilities - CWE

string separated with comma (Example: CWE-12345)

Vulnerabilities - Unique instance ID


Solutions - Description


Solutions - Reference


Solutions - Reference Link


Solutions - OS


Solutions - OS Version


Mapping Websites (DAST)

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Vulcan Field

Value type

More Info

Assets - Name*


Primary name of the web application

Assets - Last Seen

date format

Last time the asset was seen

Assets - Tags


This field lets you ingest existing tags from the vendor's platform and map those tags into Vulcan Asset Tags and Business Groups. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want. Each tag requires its independent column, and each column can be mapped to tags as well as to other categories.

Read here about the importance of Business Groups and Tags.

Assets - Details


The relevant data you want to view in the asset itself. You can map as many CSV headers to this field as you want.

Assets - URL


The parent URL of the application

Pages - URL


The specific URL location of the vulnerability within the application. This is an important field for DAST results.

Vulnerabilities - ID


Unique Vulnerability identifier

Vulnerabilities - Name*


The name of the vulnerability as reported from the CSV

Vulnerabilities - CVE

string separated with comma in CVE format. Example: CVE-2020-3178,CVE-2020-3174

If CVE is available, it allows the Vulcan Platform to map and point to solutions and threat intelligence.

Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity


Numeric risk score as given from the CSV. This is typically the CVSS v3, but other severity fields can be mapped here instead. Using this value, Vulcan can provide the risk calculation basis for the Vulcan risk score. Note that the value range must be between 0 and 10.

Vulnerabilities - Description


The description of the vulnerability as given in the CSV

Vulnerabilities - Discovery Time

date format

The date on which the vulnerability was first found. If this value is not mapped, the default value will be set to the time Vulcan first ingested the vulnerability into the platform.

Vulnerabilities - Details


It is highly recommended to map the "Recommended Solution" header to the Vulnerabilities - Details field. Without a CVE, there will be no correlation to Vulcan Remediation Library. Therefore, it is critical to map the tool's recommended solution in case of no CVE.

Any vulnerability details that do not fit into other categories/headers should be mapped to the Vulnerabilities - Details header.

Vulnerabilities - CWE

string separated with comma (Example: CWE-12345)

If CWE is available, it allows the Vulcan Platform to map to OWASP Top 10 categories for prioritization. This is an important field for DAST results.

Vulnerabilities - Unique instance ID


Vulnerability identifier for an asset-vulnerability connection.

Solutions - Description


Solution fields aren't mandatory. If you wish to add solution info into the solution fields, then you should at least provide Solutions - Description.

Solutions - Reference


Solutions - Reference Link


Solutions - OS


Solutions - OS Version


Mapping Cloud Resources

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Vulcan Field

Field value type

Assets - Name*


Assets - ID


Assets - Cloud Provider


Assets - Resource Name


Assets - Last Scan

date format

Assets - Tags


Assets - Details


Vulnerabilities - ID


Vulnerabilities - Name*


Vulnerabilities - CVE

string separated with comma in CVE format. Example: CVE-2020-3178,CVE-2020-3174

Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity

value range must be between 0 and 10

Vulnerabilities - Description


Vulnerabilities - Discovery Time

date format

Vulnerabilities - Details


Vulnerabilities - CWE

string separate with comma (Example: CWE-12345)

Vulnerabilities - Unique instance ID


Solutions - Description


Solutions - Reference


Solutions - Reference Link


Solutions - OS


Solutions - OS Version


Unique Identifiers

Unique Identifier


Asset unique identifier

Asset uniqueness is determined by the field:
"Assets - Name"

Vulnerabilities unique identifier

By default, the vulnerability uniqueness is determined by the field:
Vulnerabilities - ID

Fallback field: Vulnerabilities - Name

Solution unique identifier

The solution title is generated in the following format and based on the following fields:

{server_name} Recommendations for {vuln_title}

  • Solution fields aren't mandatory. If you wish to add solution info into the solution fields, then the Solutions - Description field becomes mandatory.

Supporting Custom Fields - Notes

  • Each Vulcan field can be mapped once, except 'Asset - Details', 'Asset  - Tags' and 'Vulnerability - Details'. You can map these fields as many times as you want.

  • Each header you map to 'Asset - Details' is displayed on the Asset card under the Details tab.

  • Each header you map to 'Assets - Tags' is displayed as a tag on the relevant asset.

  • Each header you map to 'Vulnerability - Details' is displayed on the Vulnerability card under the Vulnerability tab.

Managing Files

You can download, rename, or delete the files you uploaded. This can be useful in can you want to:

  • Download the uploaded files

  • Rename files

  • Delete the data from older files

  1. Click on the File Management tab on the connector set-up page to access the uploaded files.

  2. Hover over the file to show the Download, Delete, and Edit options.

Note: Only the data retrieved from that file is deleted when deleting a file. The rest of the data coming from other related files will be maintained.

Updating Assets' tags at scale

You can use the Vulcan Report connector to upload data files and update assets data at scale. For example, you can use the Hosts (Asset Inventories) Data Type to update Dynamic tags (such as ownership properties) at scale.

All you need to do is:

  1. Create your excel/csv file or work with an exported one and have the following mandatory headers:

    Asset Name

    Tag (or more than one tag)

    For example:

    In this example, we created 2 different dynamic ownership tags for each asset and added a regular tag. In the "Tag1" column we've put the personal email address of the owner, and in the "Tag2" column we've put the distribution list email address of the region the asset belongs to.

  2. Upload the file to the Vulcan Report connector and select the Hosts (Asset Inventories) Data Type.
    Note: You can upload as many files as you want by creating a Vulcan Connector instance per each file. Each Vulcan Connector instance can host one file. Maximum file size is 200 MB.

  3. Map out the Asset Name to the Assets - Name filed and the tags to Assets - Tag. For example:

  4. Click Create.

  5. It usually takes several minutes for a file to complete the sync. Larger files take longer. The notification bar and the Log tab indicate the sync progress:

  6. Once the sync is complete, the subjected assets will have the Dynamic Ownership tags and regular tags attached to them.

  7. To enable the Dynamic Mechanism, you need to enable the Dynamic property for the tags first.

Tracking and Remediation with Vulcan ConnectX/Report

Each Vulcan ConnectX/Report connector represents data from your organization's existing product or tool. Once a connector is created for the first time, you would probably like to upload more CSV representing newer results.

Vulcan ConnectX/Report lets users keep track of the data already ingested in Vulcan.

A scenario to consider

Suppose you have a vulnerability scanner CSV output from the January scan. After some time, you want to upload the output of the February scan to the same "Vulcan ConnectX/Report" connector. Here is the expected system behavior in this case:

  • If a vulnerability exists on asset "X in January and exists on the same asset "X" in February, then the status of the vulnerability will remain as it was (Vulnerable/In Progress)

  • Suppose a vulnerability from the January file is not found in the February file. In that case, the vulnerability status will be changed to Fixed as it indicates the vulnerability was fixed between January and February.

  • Suppose a vulnerability exists on asset "X" in January, and the same is found on asset "Y" in February. In that case, the number of assets associated with this vulnerability will show "2" in Vulcan.

  • A new vulnerability will be created if a vulnerability exists in the February file but not in the January file.

Uploading a Penetration Test

To use the Vulcan Report connector for uploading a penetration test, follow the instructions at:


Vulcan API documentation is available at:
HTTPS://[Account Name]

More details can be found in the article API - User Guide.

Relevant API calls

API Call



GET a list of all the VulcanReportConnector that exists in the system

api/asset_manager/vulcanreport/api_v1/connector/{ID}/upload_report/ response: {"report_id": 1}

POST a CSV file to a specific VulcanReportConnector ID

api/asset_manager/vulcanreport/api_v1/connector/{ID}/report_status/ response: [{"report_id": 1, "status": "parsed", "record_count": 30}, {"report_id": 2, "status": "parsing"}]

GET all the names of the uploaded reports to a specific VulcanReportConnector ID with parsing status. If status=parsed - return the number of recored that were found in the report. If not, indicate that status=parsing.

api/asset_manager/vulcanreport/api_v1/connector/{ID}/report_status/{REPORT_ID}/ response: {"report_id": 1, "status": "parsed", "record_count": 30}

GET information for a specific report in a VulcanReportConnector ID with parsing status. If status=Parsed - return the number of recored that were found in the report. If not, indicate that status=Parsing.

You can use the attached python script to get started with the Vulcan Report connector API.


Can I edit my current mapping to something else?
Currently no. Once the connector is created, the mapping is permanent.

Can I override the existing Vulcan Report Connector?
Yes, but the file structure must be the same - meaning the order of the headers must stay the same. 

Does mapping stay the same after override?
If the CSV is with the same headers, then yes.

Can I create more than one ConnectX/Report Connector?
Yes. If you are uploading files from different tools, we recommend you create a dedicated ConnectX/Report Connector for each.

Can I set the risk score of a vulnerability instance?

No. When mapping a risk score to the Vulcan field "Vulnerabilities - Technical Severity", the mapped risk score represents the score of a Unique Vulnerability in the Vulcan Platform. The risk score of a vulnerability instance is calculated after the file is loaded. The score of a vulnerability instance is determined by all the risk-affecting factors configured in the Vulcan Platform, such as Asset tags and impact. Read here about vulnerability instance risk calculation and how it works.

How many reports can I create?

Each Vulcan Report/ConnectX connector represents a file from a specific product. Therefore, you can create as many report connectors as you need.
For example, one report connector can represent your data from CMDBs (e.g., ServiceNow), which contains relevant data of your hosts (Name, IP address, OS, etc.). The second report connector can represent your data from a Vulnerability Scanner (e.g., Rapid7 Nexpose) which contains relevant data of your last scan (Vulnerability name, CVSS, CVE, etc.).

How is the data correlated across the different reports I upload?

Correlation between different reports can be done only by asset name. For example:
A CMDB report can contain the asset name, and the Vulnerability Scanner report can contain the related asset name for each vulnerability. If the assets' names match, then the data correlates in Vulcan.

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