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130 articles
Connectors and Supported IntegrationsWhat's a Vulcan Connector and what are the supported integrations?
Adjusting SSH Keepalive Time on Vulcan's Gateway
Limiting Connector Access to Specific IP Addresses (Allowlist)
Understanding Data Lifecycle
Connector Activity Log
Importing Tenable WAS Data into Vulcan via Vulcan Report
Configuring Connector Sync Time
Assets Categorization into TypesLearn how the Vulcan Platform caegorizes assets into types
Connectors FAQ

ShiftLeft ConnectorLearn how to configure the ShiftLeft connector
Netsparker ConnectorConfiguring the Netsparker connector
Sonatype ConnectorIntegrate Sonatype code scanner with the Vulcan Cyber Platform
Detectify ConnectorLearn all about integrating Detectify into the Vulcan Platform
Rapid7 Insight AppSec ConnectorLearn how to integrate Rapid7 Insight AppSec into the Vulcan platform.
Burp Suite Connectorhow to connect and use Burp Suite integration
Purplemet ConnectorLearn all about integrating Purplemet into the Vulcan Platform
JFrog ConnectorGetting started with JFrog Xray connector WAS ConnectorGetting started with WAS connector
SecurityScorecard ConnectorLearn all about integrating SecurityScorecard into the Vulcan Platform
WhiteSource ConnectorGetting started with WhiteSource connector
BitSight ConnectorLearn how to integrate BitSight into the Vulcan Platform
Acunetix Premium ConnectorIntegrating Acuntix Premium into the Vulcan Platform
Fortify SAST Connector
Fortify DAST ConnectorGetting started with Fortify On-Demand DAST connector
Veracode SCA ConnectorConfiguring the Veracode SCA connector
SonarQube ConnectorHow to integrate SonarQube
SonarCloud ConnectorIntegrate SonarCloud SAST code scanner with the Vulcan Cyber Platform
GitHub Dependabot Connector (new revision)Learn all about integrating GitHub Dependabot into the Vulcan Platform
BlackDuck Connector (new revision)Learn all about integrating BlackDuck into the Vulcan Platform
WhiteHat Connector (new revision)Learn all about integrating WhiteHat into the Vulcan Platform
Qualys WAS Connector (new revision)Learn all about integrating Qualys WAS into the Vulcan Platform
Acunetix 360 Connector (new revision)Learn all about integrating Acunetix 360 into the Vulcan Platform
Snyk Connector (new revision)Learn all about integrating Snyk into the Vulcan Platform
GitHub ConnectorLearn all about integrating GitHub into the Vulcan Platform
Checkmarx One ConnectorLearn all about integrating Checkmarx One into the Vulcan Platform
Checkmarx CxSAST Connector (Rev. November 2023)Learn all about integrating CheckmarX CxSAST into the Vulcan Platform
GitHub Code Scanning Connector (new revision)Learn all about integrating Github Code and Secret Scanning into the Vulcan Platform
CyCognito ConnectorLearn all about integrating Cygonito into the Vulcan Platform
RiskRecon ConnectorLearn all about integrating RiskRecon into the Vulcan Platform.
GitLab ConnectorLearn all about integrating GitLab into the Vulcan Platform
Checkmarx CxSAST Connector (Rev. February 2024)Learn all about integrating Checkmarx CxSAST into the Vulcan Platform
Fortify Software Security Center ConnectorLearn all about integrating Fortify Software Security Center into the Vulcan Platform.
Veracode Connector (previous revision)
Qwiet.AI Connector
Cycode Connector
Veracode Connector (new revision)