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GitHub Code Scanning Connector (previous revision)
GitHub Code Scanning Connector (previous revision)

Configuring the GitHub Code Scanning connector

Updated over a year ago

Am I reading the right user guide?

Specific connectors have more than one user guide. It depends on the environment's setup and on the connector's available releases (new vs. previous revisions).

To access the user guide that is relevant to your environment, simply click on the "How to connect" button located on the connector's setup page. Doing so will direct you to the user guide that aligns with your specific environment, ensuring relevancy and accuracy.


GitHub Code Scanning is a feature that you use to analyze the code in a GitHub repository to find security vulnerabilities and coding errors. When integrated with your Vulcan Platform, you'll be able to review code-project vulnerabilities on your assets, while leveraging the power of Vulcan Cyber discoverability and automation.


To configure the connector, you need to perform the following first:

  1. Generate API Personal Access Token from GitHub with the following configurations and access scopes:

    • Expiration: No Expiration

    • repo:

      • repo:status

      • repo_deployment

      • public_repo

      • security_events

    • write:packages

      • read:packages

    • admin:org

      • read:org

    • admin:repo_hook

      • read:repo_hook

    • user

      • read:user

      • user:email

Activate the "Code scanning alerts" security option in GitHub

On your GitHub, make sure the "Code Scanning alerts" security configuration is active:

Go to the relevant repo on GitHub > Security > activate the "Code scanning alerts" option.

Note: The activation is per repository.

Configure GitHub Code Scanning connector

  1. Log in to your Vulcan Cyber dashboard and go to Connectors.

  2. Click on Add a Connector.

  3. Click on the GitHub Code Scanning icon.

  4. Click the Test Connectivity button to verify that Vulcan Cyber can connect to your GitHub instance, then click Create (or Save Changes).

  5. Allow some time for the sync to complete. You can review the sync status under Log.

  6. To confirm that the sync is complete, navigate to the Connectors tab to check the sync status. Once the GitHub Code Scanning icon shows Connected, the connection is complete.

From GitHub Code Scanning to the Vulcan Platform - Fields Mapping

Connector Fields Mapping

GitHub Code Scanning field

Vulcan field

Value Example

Repository Name

Asset name


Code Project

Asset type


Asset codebase - source

Asset codebase - location


Asset details

"Lab for the development of Dependababot and Code Scanning connectors"


Asset tags

Vulnerability title in GitHub

Vulnerability title

"Hard coded credentials"

Vulnerability description in GitHub

Vulnerability description

CWE tags in GitHub

Vulnerability CWE (unique Vulnerability details)


Vulnerability details in GitHub

Vulnerability details

Asset details on vulnerability ("i"):

The hard-coded value "ñasddfilhpaf78h78032h780g780fg780asg780dsbovncubuyvqy" is used as key.

Fix title in GitHub is NA

Fix tab > title

GitHub Code Scanning Recommendations for {vulnerability title}

Fix Recommendation + Example in GitHub +

Fix tab > Description

"Remove hard-coded credentials, such as user names, passwords, and certificates, from source code. Instead, place them in configuration files, environment variables, or other data stores if necessary. If possible, store configuration files including credential data separately from the source code, in a secure location with restricted access."

References in GitHub

Fix tab > Reference

  • Common Weakness Enumeration: CWE-259.

  • Common Weakness Enumeration: CWE-321.

  • Common Weakness Enumeration: CWE-798.

Vulnerability Status Mapping

GitHub Code Scanning Status

Vulcan Status





Closed (false positive)

Ignored - false positive

Closed (won't fix)

Ignored - risk acknowledged

Closed (used in tests)

Ignored - risk acknowledged

Vulnerability Score Mapping

GitHub Code Scanning Score

Vulcan Score












Not relevant - only security findings are pulled


Not relevant - only security findings are pulled


Not relevant - only security findings are pulled

Locate GitHub Code Scanning vulnerabilities in the Vulcan Platform

As GitHub discovers vulnerabilities, the Vulcan Platform connector imports those vulnerabilities for reporting and action. With a large number of assets and potential vulnerabilities discovering specific vulnerabilities via source is made easy with filters.

  1. Go to Vulnerabilities.

  2. Click on the "Search or filter vulnerabilities" search box.

  3. Scroll and select the Vulnerability Source option.

  4. Locate GitHub Code Scanning on the vulnerability source list and click to filter results.

  5. Click on any vulnerability/CVE to view further information and potentially take action by clicking the Take Action drop-down.

Locate GitHub Code Projects assets in the Vulcan Platform

  1. Go to Assets > Code Projects tab.

  2. Click on the Search or filter codeProjects input box and select Connector from the drop-down selection.

  3. Scroll to select the GitHub Code Scanning option and view the results.

Automating GitHub Code Scanning vulnerability remediation actions in the Vulcan Platform

Large environments quickly become unmanageable if constant manual attention and action are necessary to remediate vulnerabilities. Take advantage of the automation capabilities of Vulcan Cyber and the GitHub Code Scanning connector.

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