Integration and Support
What integrations does Vulcan support?
Vulcan supports a wide range of integrations, as detailed in our Supported Connectors article.
What if my tool or ticketing system doesn’t have a dedicated connector?
If there isn’t a dedicated connector for your tool or ticketing system, you have two options:
Use the Vulcan Report Connector to upload vulnerability data via CSV files.
For ticketing systems, create tickets via email directly through the platform.
Additionally, you can request new connectors by contacting us at
Can the Vulcan Report Connector (ConnectX) integrate with our ticketing system?
No, the Vulcan Report Connector only supports uploading vulnerability data, not direct ticketing system integration. You can still create tickets manually or automate the process via email.
How can I create tickets if my ticketing system doesn’t have a connector?
Even without a dedicated connector, you can still create tickets by:
Manually sending vulnerability details via email to the assignee:
Go to Assets/Vulnerabilities/Findings page > Filter and select the relevant vulnerability > Click Take Action > Select the Email option.
Sync and Status
How can I identify the current connection state of my connector?
Once a connector is set up and created, it goes through different connecting states until it is fully connected. To review the connector's status, go to the Vulcan Platform > Connectors. The connectors' color-coded status indicators provide a quick and intuitive way to understand each connector's state at a glance.
Green Dot | The connector is functioning correctly through all its integral stages. These stages include initiating, testing connectivity, fetching, normalizing, waiting for processing, processing, and being connected. As long as the connector operates without any issues through these stages, it will display a green dot. |
Red Dot | There is an error that causes the process to fail. When a connector encounters an error at any stage of its operation, the dot will turn red, and an error message will be displayed on the connector box. This serves as an immediate visual indicator of a problem that needs attention. |
Grey Dot | The connector is either disabled or in the process of being deleted. The grey dot signifies that the connector is not active or in a transitional state where it's being removed from the system. |
Check the connector's activity log to understand its life cycle stages further.
Syncing connectors on demand
You can manually trigger a sync for saved connectors in their tenant. The sync buttons are available on the connector's setup page.
The "Sync now" button
The Sync Now button is displayed for connectors that have been previously saved, integrated, and successfully synced at least once.
What happens when you click "Sync Now"?
Clicking Sync Now immediately triggers a sync process for the connector.
The connector setup page closes automatically.
The user is redirected to the "Connected Connectors" page.
No confirmation pop-ups appear; the sync starts immediately.
The "Update and sync now" Button
If you make a change to a previously saved connector, the Sync now button changes to Update and sync now.
What happens when you click "Update and Sync Now"?
Any changes made to the connector settings are saved.
A sync is triggered immediately (no sync time pop-up will appear).
The connector setup page closes automatically.
Deleted Connectors and Tags
What happens to the tags ingested if a connector is deleted?
If a connector is deleted, the tags ingested through that connector will not be deleted if they are part of business groups, dynamic properties, or are used in a playbook. This applies to all connectors.
If a connector is deleted but the tags remain because they are being used in a playbook, business group, or dynamic property, will they be removed once they are removed from one of these components?
Yes, the tags will be removed once they are no longer used in a playbook, business group, or dynamic property.