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Acunetix Premium Connector

Integrating Acuntix Premium into the Vulcan Platform

Updated over a week ago


Acunetix Premium is an automated web application security testing tool that audits your web applications by checking for vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, cross-site scripting, and other exploitable vulnerabilities. Acunetix scans any website or web application accessible via a web browser and uses the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

Prerequisites and User Permissions

The Vulcan team has established a successful integration with the following permissions/role: Platform Administrator.

Note that the integration could work with the other available role permissions as well:

Configure the Acunetix Premium connector

  1. First, you need to generate API Key through the Acunetix Premium platform.

    1. Go to your Acunetix Premium platform.

    2. Click on your username at the top right corner > Profile

    3. Scroll down to the API Key section

    4. Click Generate New API Key and copy the key to somewhere safe.
      Note: DO NOT enable two-factor authentication. If enabled, the Vulcan Platform cannot connect to your Acunetix Premium instance.

  2. Log in to your Vulcan Cyber dashboard and go to Connectors.

  3. Click on Add a Connector.

  4. Click on the Acunetix Premium icon.

  5. Enter the following information into the connector setup page.

    • Server URL and API Token - the ones you got in Step 1 above.

  6. Click the Test Connectivity button to verify that Vulcan Cyber can connect to your Acunetix Premium instance, then click Create (or Save Changes).

  7. Allow some time for the sync to complete. You can review the sync status under Log.

  8. To confirm the sync is complete, navigate to the Connectors tab to check the sync status. Once the Acunetix Premium icon shows Connected, the connection is complete.

From Acunetix Premium to the Vulcan Platform - Fields Mapping

Connector Fields Mapping

Acunetix Premium field

Vulcan field


Asset Name


Asset Type


Asset Pages - Name

All relevant asset details are retrieved

Asset details


value: 0 (low), 10 (medium), 20 (high), 30 (Critical)

Asset Tags >

"Business Criticality: low"

"Business Criticality: Medium"

"Business Criticality: High"

"Business Criticality: Critical"


Vulnerability title


Vulnerability score


Vulnerability description

All relevant vulnerability data is retrieved

Vulnerability details


Vulnerability status

Target ID (found on vulnerability details)

Asset-Vulnerability connection


Fix title


Fix description


Fix reference

Vulnerability Status Mapping

Acunetix Premium status

Vulcan status





False Positive

Ignored - False Positive


Ignored - Risk Acknowledged

Vulnerability Score Mapping

Acunetic Pemium Score

Vulcan score


Same value as the CVSS score (0-10)

Locating Acunetix Premium vulnerabilities in the Vulcan Platform

As Acunetix Premium discovers vulnerabilities, the Vulcan Platform connector imports those vulnerabilities for reporting and action. With a large number of assets and vulnerabilities, discovering specific vulnerabilities via source is made easy with filters.

  1. Open the Vulcan Platform dashboard and navigate to the Vulnerabilities. Click on the Search or filter vulnerabilities search box, scroll to the Vulnerability Source option, and click to filter by the vulnerability source.

  2. Locate Acunetix Premium on the vulnerability source list and click to filter results by Acunetix Premium.

  3. Click on any vulnerability to view further information.

Locating Acunetix Premium assets in the Vulcan Platform

To locate all synced website application assets from Acunetix Premium:

  1. Open the Vulcan Cyber dashboard and navigate to Assets > Websites tab.

  2. Click on the Search or filter websites input box and select Connector from the drop-down selection.

  3. Locate the Acunetix Premium option to view all synced assets.

Automating Acunetix Premium vulnerability actions in the Vulcan Platform

Large environments quickly become unmanageable if constant manual attention and action are necessary to remediate vulnerabilities. Take advantage of the automation capabilities of Vulcan Cyber and the Acunetix Premium connector.

Click here to learn how to create automation in the Vulcan Cyber Platform.

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