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Managing API Tokens

Generate a personal access token to authenticate with Vulcan API using OAuth (version 2.0)

Updated over a week ago

Generate an API Token

Use an API token to authenticate with our platform by generating it from your Vulcan account:

  1. Go to Settings > Account > API Token.

  2. Set the Token Name and Expiration date.

  3. Click “Generate token” to generate an OAuth 2 token.

  4. Copy and paste the token in the appropriate location on your end.
    Note: For security reasons, it isn't possible to view the token after navigating out of the authentication tab. If necessary, generate a new token.

  • Keep the token secret, just like you would do for a password.

  • By default, the token's expiration date is one year from creation.

Revoke Active Tokens

To revoke an active token:\

  1. Go to your Account > API Token

  2. Click the "Revoke" button of the relevant token.

  3. You will be asked to confirm the revoke action. Click "Revoke" again to confirm.

Working with Vulcan API

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