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Assets Page

Learn all about the Assets Page in the Vulcan Platform

Updated over a week ago

Page Overview

The Assets Page displays all the assets after ingestions and de-duplication. Through the Assets page, you can review all the assets ingested through the Connectors.

The Vulcan Platform ingests five types of assets:

  • Hosts

  • Code Projects

  • Websites

  • Images

  • Cloud Resources

Each asset type has its own dedicated tab on the Assets page. Each tab presents the count of assets ingested of that type from all the integrated connectors.

Reviewing Assets

Assets are displayed in a basic table form that allows you to:

Filtering Assets

Use the Magic Search and Filters bar to present the assets you are interested in.

  • Apply several filtering criteria to narrow down the search results.

  • Save filtering criteria to quickly re-apply the search when needed.

In addition to free text search, each type of asset has its own available filtering parameters.

Table columns per asset type

Glancing at asset essential details is made easy through the informative Asset Table that presents essential asset information.

Asset Type (Asset Tab)

Available table columns and info


  • Name – The asset's name as ingested from the source connector

  • IP – Primary IP address as ingested from the source connector

  • Sources – The asset's source platforms or scanners

  • Last seen – Last time one of the asset's sources reported on it

  • Max risk – Criticality of the highest vulnerability risk affecting the asset

  • Risk mass – Indicates the sum of all max risk scores from all vuln. instances

  • Vuln. Instances – Total number of vulnerabilities affecting the asset

  • SLA Status – SLA Compliance Status

  • Tags – List of Tags associated with the asset

Code Projects

  • Project – The Code Project's name as ingested from the source scanner

  • Sources – The Code Project's source platform or scanner

  • Last report – Last time one of the Code Project's sources reported on it

  • Max risk – Criticality of the highest vulnerability risk affecting the asset

  • Risk mass – Indicates the sum of all max risk scores from all vuln. instances

  • Vuln. Instances – Total number of vulnerabilities affecting the asset

  • SLA Status – SLA Compliance Status

  • Tags – List of Tags associated with the asset


  • Site name – The Website’s name as ingested from the source scanner

  • Address – The Website’s address

  • Sources – The Website’s source platform or scanner

  • Last seen – Last time one of the Website’s sources reported on it

  • Scanned pages – Total number of web pages scanned

  • Max risk – Criticality of the highest vulnerability risk affecting the asset

  • Risk mass – Indicates the sum of all max risk scores from all vuln. instances

  • Vuln. Instances – Total number of vulnerabilities affecting the asset

  • SLA Status – SLA Compliance Status

  • Tags – List of Tags associated with the asset


  • Name – The name of the Image related resource as ingested from the source scanner

  • Type – The type of Image related resource as ingested from the source scanner

  • Repository – The repository where the Image is stored if relevant

  • OS – The Operating System embedded in the Image if relevant

  • Sources – The Image related resource's source platform or scanner

  • Last seen – Last time one of the resource's sources reported on it

  • Max risk – Criticality of the highest vulnerability risk affecting the asset

  • Risk mass – Indicates the sum of all max risk scores from all vuln. instances

  • Vuln. Instances – Total number of vulnerabilities affecting the asset

  • SLA Status – SLA Compliance Status

  • Tags – List of Tags associated with the asset

Cloud Resources

  • Name – The name of the cloud related resource as ingested from the source scanner

  • Cloud – The name of the cloud service provider

  • Type – The cloud resource type

  • Sources – The cloud resource's source platform or scanner

  • Last seen – Last time one of the cloud resource's sources reported on it

  • Max risk – Criticality of the highest vulnerability risk affecting the asset

  • Risk mass – Indicates the sum of all max risk scores from all vuln. instances

  • Vuln. Instances – Total number of vulnerabilities affecting the asset

  • SLA Status – SLA Compliance Status

  • Tags – List of Tags associated with the asset

Reviewing Asset Details

Exporting Assets

Managing Asset Tags and Business Groups

Taking Action on an Asset

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