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Ticket Template Customization
Ticket Template Customization

Learn all about customizing tickets' template and content

Updated over a week ago


In response to your valued feedback, we're excited to introduce a highly requested enhancement to the Vulcan Cyber Platform - Ticket Template Customization. We understand that vulnerability remediation is established when efficient communication happens. Through the Ticket Template Customization, you can shape the ticket content to match the organization's needs.


Customizing a ticket is made easy by utilizing an array of available parameters and the flexibility of free-text input.

Support and Limitations

Ticket Customization is only applicable to tickets opened using the Unique Vulnerabilities table through the Take Action for one or multiple vulnerabilities, or generated automatically via Playbooks "Separated by Unique Vulnerabilities" and "Aggregate all Vulnerabilities".


Use the organizational terminology

We know that each organization operates with its distinct terminology and processes. With the Ticket Template Customization feature, you're now in complete control. No longer restricted to generic content, you can communicate remediation tasks using your preferred language and terminology. Whether aligning content with your organizational structure, adapting to various asset types, or catering to specific team requirements, this feature places customization in your hands.


The Ticket Template Customization offers a modular ticket template, a canvas to customize to your heart's content. This enables you to create a template that resonates with your team, ensuring every remediation action is clear and actionable.

Better remediation communication

By customizing the ticket template to include selective vulnerability information and actionable content directly aligned with the organizational preferences, you can simplify the remediation process for your team and encourage prompt action.

Creating Ticket Templates

You can customize the default Vulcan template or create new ticket templates:

  1. Go to your Vulcan Platform > Settings > Templates

  2. Click on Create New Template or Duplicate an existing template.
    - You can create as many templates as you want.

  3. Modify the default template or start from scratch for tailored communication. In the template editor, you modify the content and apply custom styling, such as:
    - Font size and font style (bold, italics, etc.).
    - Text alignment (left, center, right).
    - Colors for text and backgrounds to match your brand.
    - Spacing and layout adjustments to customize how information is displayed.

    Apply your desired styling by using the available formatting tools. Ensure that the styling aligns with your organizational branding guidelines.

    Support Note: Ticket styling options are currently available for Jira, Azure, and Email platforms. Support for ServiceNow is not yet available.

  4. Click Save or Discard Changes.
    - For the Vulcan Default template, you can always reset to system defaults by clicking "Reset to system defaults".

  5. Once you create a template, you can click the three dots on the template block to Duplicate it, Delete it, or Set it as default.

Use the template across platforms

When you’re ready to use the styled template, you can open tickets on Jira, Azure, or via Email and select the template you wish to use. The styling will be applied consistently across these platforms.

Ticket Parameters Description


Return Value Description

Return Value Format and Example

Business Groups

The names of the business groups impacted by the vulnerability(ies) in the ticket

BusinessGroupName1, BusinessGroupName2, Business GroupName3.

Count of Assets in Ticket

The number of assets associated with the vulnerabilities in the ticket


Count of Unique Vulnerabilities in Ticket

The number of unique vulnerabilities associated with the ticket


Count of Vulnerability Instances in Ticket

The number of vulnerability instances associated with the ticket


Highest Risk Level

The highest risk level among the vulnerabilities listed in the ticket


One Asset Name

If the ticket has many assets, it displays the first name on the list.


One Vulnerability Name

If the ticket has many vulnerabilities, it displays the first name on the list.

Apache HTTP Server mod_mime Buffer Overread

Playbook Name

The playbook name (i.e., automation name) through which the ticket is generated.

Sender Name

The username of the person who opened the ticket or created the playbook

Smart Subject

Option 1: If the ticket contains one vulnerability and multiple assets, the {{smart subject}} parameter will display the return values of the following parameters:
{{count of assets in ticket}} assets - {{one vulnerability name}}

Option 2: If the ticket contains one asset and multiple vulnerabilities, the {{smart subject}} parameter will display the return values of the following parameters:

{{one asset name}} - {{count unique vulnerabilities}} vulnerabilities

Option 3: If the ticket contains multiple assets and multiple vulnerabilities, the {{smart subject}} parameter will display the return values of the following parameters:

{{count of assets in ticket}} assets - {{count unique vulnerabilities}} vulnerabilities

Option 4: If the ticket contains one vulnerability and one asset, the {{smart subject}} parameter will display the return values of the following parameters:

{{one asset name}} - {{vulnerability name}}

Option 1:

5 assets - SQL injection

Option 2: - 6 vulnerabilties

Option 3:

5 assets - 6 vulnerabilities

Option 4: - SQL injection

Soonest SLA

The date of the soonest SLA associated with the ticket,
in yyyy-mm-dd format


Ticket Max Score

The highest max score among the vulnerability instances listed in the ticket

Max score

Vulnerability Header

Option 1: If the ticket contains one vulnerability, the {{vulnerability_header}} parameter will return the value: vulnerability

Option 2: If the ticket contains two or more vulnerabilities, the {{vulnerability_header}} parameter will return the value: vulnerabilities

Remediation Work Form Link

A remediation work form URL will be generated for the user to view vulnerability instances and their details through the remediation ticket and submit an exception request for part or all instances.

SLA Policy Configuration

The details of the SLA policies associated with the vulnerabilities in the ticket

**Global SLA policy** Critical 1 , High 2 , Medium 3, Low 7, Nonne 14

**Policy name1** Critical 3 , High 4 , Medium 10, Low 20, None 14

**Policy name2** Critical 5 , High 4 , Medium 7, Low 24, None 14

**Policy name3** Critical 7 , High 6 , Medium 15, Low 20, None 14

Affected Assets

A list of the assets affected by the vulnerability

Each asset type has its own type of return value.

If the associated assets are up to 10, the ticket content displays the asset names. If more, only 5-6 names are included in the ticket body. The rest of the assets list is in the ticket CSV attachment.

Affected Hosts

- ivanti-client1

- <Asset name 2>

- <Asset name 3>

- <Asset name 4>

- <Asset name 5>

+ 56 assets, information attached to excel

Affected Code projects (Repository/Code project)


- Repository/onlinetests/college/includes/global.php

- Repository/images/gamesandmobile/clueoftheday/index.php

- Repository/includes/global.php

- Repository/onlinetests/affiliates/alreadyregistered.php

+ 1234 code projects, information attached to Excel



- <URL 2>

- <URL 3>

- <URL 4>

- <URL 5>

+ 420 website URLs, information attached to Excel

Affected images


- <image 2>

- <image 3>

- <image 4>

- <image 5>

+ 378 images, information attached to Excel

Affected Cloud Resources

- arn:aws:s3:::accountatest

- <cloud resource 2>

- <cloud resource 3>

- <cloud resource 4>

- <cloud resource 5>

+ 393 cloud resources, information attached to Excel

Affected Vendor

The name of the vendor affected by the vulnerability


Attack Vectors

A list of the attack vectors threat tags associated with the vulnerability

If there is no attack vector, the following will be displayed: No attack vector found

Attack vector

  • Remote

  • Unauthenticated


A list of CVEs associated with the vulnerability, including hyperlinks to the CVE details published on the National Vulnerability Database website


Vulnerability CVSS Score

The CVSS score of the vulnerability

CVSS score


A list of CWEs associated with the vulnerability


- CWE-20

- CWE-22

Vulnerability Description

A description of the vulnerability

Vulnerability description
Insufficient vetting of parameters passed with the Prompt:Open IPC message between child and parent processes can result in the non-sandboxed parent process opening web content chosen by a compromised child process. When combined with additional vulnerabilities this could result in executing arbitrary code on the user's computer. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 60.7.2, Firefox < 67.0.4, and Thunderbird < 60.7.2.

Exploitability List

A list of exploitability threat tags (Intelligence Threat Tags) associated with the vulnerability

- Exploitable

- Malware

- Weaponized

High Impact Assets Tag

A list of high-impact asset tags associated with the assets in the ticket

16 High impact tags

- Production

- External Facing

- tag3

- tag4

- tag5

+ 11 tags

Vulnerability Max Risk Level

The highest risk level among the vulnerability instances of the unique vulnerability

Maximum risk level

Vulnerability Max Score

The highest risk score among the vulnerability instances of the unique vulnerability

Maximum score

Vulnerability Name

The name of the vulnerability

SQL Injection


A description of the available remedies available for the vulnerability.

Note: All the relevant remedies are attached in a CSV file to the ticket.

If multiple vulnerabilities are in the same ticket, only the number of remedies is mentioned:


6 remedies available in Vulcan

If only one vulnerability in the ticket, up to 10 remedies can be included in the body of the ticket:

The Remedies

1. Fortify Recommendations for Insecure Deployment: Unpatched Application

Vendor: Unknown

Since currently there is no known information about this vulnerability, the recommendation is to remove this file if it is not needed for the production server.

Reference: CVE: None


2. X Recommendations for <Vulnerability>: <remedy description>

3. ....

Vulnerability Tags

Vulnerability tags

tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tagn

Vulcan Link

A URL to vulnerability details on the Vulcan Platform.

**See in Vulcan** <>

Ticket Parameters Availability

There are various parameters available in the ticket customization template. Some parameters can be used in specific blocks in the ticket template, while others can be used in several blocks. The table below summarizes the entire list of parameters and where they can be used in the ticket template.


Ticket summary/ email subject

Description Header

Vulnerability repeatable block

Description Footer

Business Groups

Count of Assets in Ticket

Count of Unique Vulnerabilities in Ticket

Count of Vulnerability Instances in Ticket

Highest Risk Level

One Asset Name

One Vulnerability Name

Sender Name

Smart Subject

Soonest SLA

Ticket Max Score

Vulnerability Header

Remediation Work Form Link

SLA Policy Configuration

Affected Assets

Affected Vendor

Attack Vectors


Vulnerability CVSS Score


Vulnerability Description

Exploitability List

High Impact Assets Tag

Vulnerability Max Risk Level

Vulnerability Max Score

Vulnerability Name


Vulnerability Tags

Vulcan Link

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