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VulBot - The Vulcan Cyber AI ChatBot
Updated over a week ago


VulBot is a Chat-GPT AI model integrated into the Vulcan ExposureOS platform to enhance your support experience. Designed to provide fast, accurate, and relevant responses by indexing various essential data sources, VulBot aims to streamline your interactions with our knowledge base and support system, offering a robust self-service option.

See VulBot in action

VulBot Q&A

What sources does VulBot index?

VulBot indexes information from multiple sources, including the Vulcan Help Center (live), our main website (, public data sources such as NVD ( and CVE (, and custom content we've developed.

What AI technologies does VulBot use?

VulBot utilizes a mix of advanced AI technologies, including OpenAI's GPT-4 and Intercom's proprietary AI technologies, to provide accurate and efficient support. It employs the latest AI models to understand questions, search for relevant answers in Vulcan's Knowledge Hub, and provide accurate responses based on enabled sources. The system is designed to use the most suitable model for each specific task, ensuring optimal performance. It quickly processes and analyzes various product-relevant content sources, functioning as both an AI agent for customer support and an AI copilot for supporting teammates on the Help Desk.

What kind of questions can I ask VulBot?

You can ask VulBot anything about the Vulcan ExposureOS Platform, from theoretical and conceptual questions to practical steps and how-tos. For example: "How do I get started in Vulcan?", "Why do I need business groups?", "How is risk calculated?", "How do I configure the RecordedFuture connector?", and more.

How accurate are VulBot's answers?

VulBot provides fast and accurate answers to questions about the Vulcan ExposureOS platform. (Coming soon!) If VulBot doesn't provide the answer you need, you can open a support ticket directly through the chat window.

Does VulBot have access to my ingested data or any tenant data?

No, VulBot does not scan customer or tenant data, maintaining the privacy and security of your information. It only has access to the sources mentioned above.

What happens after I open a ticket through VulBot? (Coming soon!)

If you open a ticket through VulBot, Vulcan's Customer Support will receive it and reply to you via email. The chat will likely conclude when the support ticket is processed via email.

Can the Vulcan team see my interactions with VulBot?

Yes, the Vulcan team can monitor and access all interactions in the VulBot chat box, ensuring quality and continuous improvement.

How up-to-date is VulBot?

VulBot indexes the Help Center live and immediately. Any changes in the Help Center are automatically updated in VulBot. External resources like related websites are synced weekly by default or manually triggered by the Vulcan team when needed.

Privacy and Security Notice:

  • VulBot does not scan customer or tenant data, maintaining the privacy and security of your information.

  • Please do not share any personal or confidential information in the VulBot chat.

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