Dive into statistical analysis of your Vulcan data and monitor the status and progress of your entire cyber risk posture and remediation actions.
18 articles
Reports (Analytics)An intro to Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS Reports and system behavior of filters, data drilling, and data-validation
Risk Exception ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the Exceptions Report analytics
Application Security ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the AppSec Report
MITRE ATT&CK ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the MITRE ATT&CK Report
CISO Executive ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the CISO Executive Analytics
CISO Management ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the CISO Management Analytics
Campaign Tracking ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the Campaign Tracking Analytics
Security Posture Rating ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the Security Posture Rating Analytics
SLA Tracking ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the SLA Tracking Analytics
Analytics FAQ and data validationLearn about analytics system behaviour and data validation
PCI ReportLearn all about the PCI compliance Vulnerability Management report
Remediation Performance ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the Remediation Performance Analytics
Threat Intelligence ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the Threat Intelligence Analytics
Scan Coverage Analytics
EOL ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the EOL Report
Top Operational ReportLearn all about the trends and insights in the Top Operational Findindgs Report
Self-Service Analytics
Learn how to create your own reports and use the widgets bank
Creating Customized ReportsLearn how to create customized reports (analytics) using Vulcan Cyber ExposureOS Self-Service Reports (Analytics)
Widget CustomizationLearn about customizing a widget in Self-Service Reports (Analytics)